Tag: chocolate

Shower Favors – Potato Chip Cookies

Shower Favors – Potato Chip Cookies

Shirley wanted a sweet-and-salty dessert for her bridal shower favors last month, so I made a couple batches of the Potato Chip Cookies that I had brought to her Super Bowl party back in February.  I made all the cookies the night before, and dipped 

Potato Chip Cookies

Potato Chip Cookies

People don’t traditionally associate dessert with Super Bowl food, so I combined two of America’s favorite snacks (the cookie and the potato chip) for this year’s Super Bowl party! I’m proud to say I’ve been getting a little braver with my baking and improvising a 

Thomas Keller’s “Ad Hoc at Home” Chocolate Chip Cookies

Thomas Keller’s “Ad Hoc at Home” Chocolate Chip Cookies

Alex, Lingie, and I made the trek up to the Pacific Northwest back in December to visit our beloved Andrew. The four of us, being the laid back yet eccentric group that we are, decided that the first bullet point on our itinerary was for 

Chocolate-Mint (Nightmare Before Christmas) Pinwheel Cookies

Chocolate-Mint (Nightmare Before Christmas) Pinwheel Cookies

Lingie sent me a FANTASTIC link about writing earlier today. Please read it, especially if you write. I was totally inspired to flail my fingers away helplessly across a keyboard after driving 90 minutes in rush hour traffic to a restaurant my mom picked for 

Apple Pies in an Apple and Chocolate Chip Cookies (Guest Blog)

Apple Pies in an Apple and Chocolate Chip Cookies (Guest Blog)

Sup. April is the best month of the year.  Hands down.  Everyone knows it. But something happened in early November.  Allison was born.  Oh, don’t get me wrong April is still the greatest month of the year. Last year Alex and I, along with the beautiful 

Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter “Cookie” Frosting

Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter “Cookie” Frosting

Yes, I am well behind on updating this!!  I missed the Olympics, the space shuttle Atlantis, and I think the end of the NBA finals. But… better late than never!   (Is there an echo in here?) I made these in the beginning of August 

Samoas Cupcakes (Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Buttercream Frosting)

Samoas Cupcakes (Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Buttercream Frosting)

If you work in an office, you knows it’s Girl Scout cookie season because at least five of your coworkers are slanging them on behalf of their daughters.  At my workplace, people were putting post-its donning “so-and-so’s daddy is also selling these” on competitor’s order 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Before actually meeting him, I knew Alex as the guy whose face my boyfriend (at the time) had pretty much peed on.  But hey, let’s not dig up the past.  I knew I had to at least be nice to the poor soul forever out 

Halloween Mummy Cupcakes

Halloween Mummy Cupcakes

In honor of Halloween, I made these mummy cupcakes to bring in to work today.  They’re just chocolate cupcakes with a frosted mummy “face”. I tried my hand at using a frosting tip for the first time, but the seemingly intuitive ziploc baggie method was 

Peanut Butter Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes

Peanut Butter Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes

***UPDATE – August 10, 2018*** As I am slowly going migrating posts from the original blog to this new domain, I have to really laugh (and cringe) at what a n00b I was on so many levels when I started this blog.  First of all,