Totoro Cake Toppers

Totoro Cake Toppers

Writing my not-so-recent paper post reminded me that I needed to share this other little DIY from our wedding!  Kevin and I don’t have an aversion to wedding cake, but I think majority of wedding-goers aren’t typically into it. In menu planning, we challenged our 

Year One – Paper

Year One – Paper

Kev and I have been in the thick of home shopping the last couple of months and decided to take a break with a trip up the central coast.  Our first wedding anniversary last month was the perfect excuse for a little food and wine adventure 

Peach and Blackberry Cobbler

Peach and Blackberry Cobbler

Kevin and I enlisted some of our talented friends (or “friendors”) to help with our DIY wedding. Jamie tried her hand for the first time at assembling wedding florals for our big day.  We had bridesmaids bouquets, groomsmen boutonnieres, and a few corsages for our immediate family. NOTE: 

Learning to Watercolor

Learning to Watercolor

Thought I’d share a little DIY work I did for our wedding, now that we got our photos back. Kev and I DIY’d whatever we could for our big day, including our invites. I didn’t like any of the “free” or “close to free” printable invitation 

Changing Your Last Name

Changing Your Last Name

Taking a quick break from baking and crafting to share some information that hopefully any newlyweds can use! I got suckered into paying $29.95 for a name change service when I got married and realized later that there was no actual “service” being given to 

Orecchiette Bolognese

Orecchiette Bolognese

When you get engaged, one of the most common questions people ask you is “were you surprised?”.  I know I ask that question a lot, and I definitely got a lot of that when Kevin and I got engaged last summer (yes – it’s official!). 

D*ck Cookies (Brownie Roll-Out Cookies and Basic Sugar Cookies)

D*ck Cookies (Brownie Roll-Out Cookies and Basic Sugar Cookies)

Yes ladies and gentlemen. You read that right. D*ck cookies. I tried to think of a less crude, less NSFW, cuter name to call them.  But there’s no getting around it.  I made d*ck cookies. And I made them twice.  You now can freely lower 

Shower Favors – Potato Chip Cookies

Shower Favors – Potato Chip Cookies

Shirley wanted a sweet-and-salty dessert for her bridal shower favors last month, so I made a couple batches of the Potato Chip Cookies that I had brought to her Super Bowl party back in February.  I made all the cookies the night before, and dipped 

Sea-Salted Browned Butter Rice Crispy Wedding Treats

Sea-Salted Browned Butter Rice Crispy Wedding Treats

Ok – this is a REALLY late post (like…4+ months late), but Leslie liked the Browned Butter Sea-Salted Rice Crispy Treats I made for her birthday back in March so much, she wanted them to be incorporated into the dessert bar at her wedding too.