Tag: arugula

Freeform Turkey Meatballs with Carrots and Yogurt Sauce

Freeform Turkey Meatballs with Carrots and Yogurt Sauce

Spring is here! The trifecta of the coronavirus quarantine, cold temps, and rain we’ve been having lately has had me giving our oven a workout. This is not the flavor profile that comes to mind when I think of meatballs, but it’s easy to make. 

Mario Batali’s Porcini-Rubbed Rib-Eye

Mario Batali’s Porcini-Rubbed Rib-Eye

For Valentine’s Day (YES…still backlogged!), I was charged with making dinner for Kevin and I, and wanted to make something a  little out of the ordinary.  I remember really being wowed by the porcini-rubbed delmonico that I had at a work dinner at The Capital