Freeform Turkey Meatballs with Carrots and Yogurt Sauce

Freeform Turkey Meatballs with Carrots and Yogurt Sauce

Spring is here! The trifecta of the coronavirus quarantine, cold temps, and rain we’ve been having lately has had me giving our oven a workout. This is not the flavor profile that comes to mind when I think of meatballs, but it’s easy to make. 

Cleaning Up My Act

Cleaning Up My Act

It’s 2020!  In the spirit of reflection on what felt like one of the longest yet quickest years of my life, I wanted to share some of my triumphs and failures on a big undertaking of mine. One of my goals for 2019 was to 

Crispy Baked Falafel

Crispy Baked Falafel

We’ve boarded the “Meatless Monday” train, except it’s more like “Meatless Random Day of the Week”.  My challenge with making meatless dinners is finding a delicious, unprocessed, AND filling protein.  I love falafels and was pumped to find the recipe on Cookie and Kate for 

Rigatoni with Eggplant Puree

Rigatoni with Eggplant Puree

I wanted to make a pasta dish that departed from your typical pesto, marinara, or bolognese, and Giada de Laurentiis’s healthy eggplant-based sauce sounded interesting!  The original recipe calls for mint, but I thought basil would pair better with a protein. The original recipe also didn’t 

Creamy Leek and Potato Soup

Creamy Leek and Potato Soup

The season of soups and stews is in full swing!  I’ve always been curious about trying a leek and potato soup, with its earthy flavors and creamy texture.  However, let me preface the rest of this post by saying that this isn’t Julia Child’s famous 

Curry-Poached Chicken with Rice and Scallions

Curry-Poached Chicken with Rice and Scallions

Continuing to chug along on the healthy eating train, I wanted to share another chicken and rice recipe, this time from Bon Appétit.  Anything with an overload of green onions always appeals to me, and I’d never made a poached chicken breast before. INGREDIENTS:  8 scallions 

Vegetable Soup with Lentils and Seasonal Greens

Vegetable Soup with Lentils and Seasonal Greens

Diet starts…yesterday! Happy New Year, everyone!  Ahh, January. The month of resolutions, fresh starts, and attempts to undo all of the hefty holiday indulging.  Here’s a recipe I really enjoyed that falls in the healthy eating category, while still being tasty! I came across a 

Whole Wheat Apple Muffins

Whole Wheat Apple Muffins

In the midst of my crazy meal prep madness getting ready for Mia’s arrival, I had bought a big carton of buttermilk to use in an Ina Garten chicken recipe, as well as a batch of Bran Muffins and still had a good amount leftover.  I wanted 

Bran Muffins

Bran Muffins

In the weeks leading up to what I fondly called Babygeddon, I went on a bit of a crazy cooking and baking spree getting meals prepped and into our freezer.  I had purchased too large a carton of buttermilk when I made Ina Garten’s Mustard Roasted 

Tomato-Basil Chicken and Rice

Tomato-Basil Chicken and Rice

Tomatoes this past summer were SO delicious!  One great thing about the Indian summer we had this year (and seemingly every year in LA lately) is the bounty of sweet tomatoes it’s brought us. I saw this recipe on Kitchn a few weeks ago and