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Halloween Mummy Cupcakes

Halloween Mummy Cupcakes

In honor of Halloween, I made these mummy cupcakes to bring in to work today.  They’re just chocolate cupcakes with a frosted mummy “face”. I tried my hand at using a frosting tip for the first time, but the seemingly intuitive ziploc baggie method was 

Diabetes-Friendly Pumpkin Muffins

Diabetes-Friendly Pumpkin Muffins

As mentioned before in a past post, my dad is diabetic.  I inherited lots of things from him – my love for Star Wars, my sarcasm, and my affection for pumpkin and all desserts.  He’s my loyal taste-tester of everything that comes out of my 

Turkey and Pumpkin Chili (and a bad case of Jalapeño Hands)

Turkey and Pumpkin Chili (and a bad case of Jalapeño Hands)

The fall brings a bounty of wonderful things every year – crisp air, Halloween, awesome seasonal produce, and an extra hour of sleep à la daylight savings.  Aside from butternut squash, pumpkin is another one of those pleasures the fall season presents.  [Disclaimer: a slew 

Infinity Scarf (Tutorial)

Infinity Scarf (Tutorial)

Found some new treasures while fabric shopping all over Santa Monica with my coworker last weekend – check it out! I was having major commitment issues on what to make with the cherry blossom branch fabric on the top, but it was so pretty I couldn’t 

Spiced Butternut Squash and Chickpea Stew

Spiced Butternut Squash and Chickpea Stew

The gloomy weather we’ve been having lately made me really want some warm comfort food so I made one of my favorite meals.  Fall is also the season for one of my favorite foods in the world – butternut squash!  The first time I had 

Easy No-Bake Banana Cream Pie

Easy No-Bake Banana Cream Pie

My maternal grandfather (Grampa Bill) was in the WWII internment camps and didn’t have the luxury of receiving any dental care during that time.  This unfortunately caused him to lose his teeth at an early age and he’s had to deal with wearing dentures for 

Turkey and Quinoa Meatballs

Turkey and Quinoa Meatballs

Mixing it up, and adding a post about the dinner I made with my brother’s help the other night.  My dad is diabetic and can’t have carbs at night, so he tends to lean towards meat and vegetables for dinner.  However, my brother has inherited 

Peaches and Cream Ice Cream Cake

Peaches and Cream Ice Cream Cake

My first ice cream cake!  I didn’t want to make any ordinary ice cream cake that one could buy from Baskin Robbins (i.e., Mint Chip Ice Cream with Chocolate Cake, etc.).  So, I thought I would take advantage of it being peach season and whip 

Banana Cupcakes with The Frosting That Never Was.

Banana Cupcakes with The Frosting That Never Was.

I’ve spent every Memorial Day Weekend since childhood for the last 16 years playing in a basketball tournament, eating some loathsome amount of food I shall not delve into, and hanging out with my favorite people.  This past Memorial Day Weekend was special however, because 

Key Lime Bars with Pistachio Graham Cracker Crust and Blueberry Compote

Key Lime Bars with Pistachio Graham Cracker Crust and Blueberry Compote

Whoops, it’s May already. Tons of work, the NBA finals, and my own workout/basketball shenanigans have absorbed the last two months, so I’ve been slacking on all things baking and crafts.  I did, however, manage to dedicate this past Saturday evening to baking after being