Infinity Scarf (Tutorial)

Found some new treasures while fabric shopping all over Santa Monica with my coworker last weekend – check it out!

The Fruits of a Successful Fabric Shopping Venture!

I was having major commitment issues on what to make with the cherry blossom branch fabric on the top, but it was so pretty I couldn’t resist buying it.  The striped material was the perfect color and weight for an infinity scarf, and I just loved the vintage-y look of the navy blue floral fabric.  I’m aiming to make my first dress out of it.  EEK!

Here’s a quick tutorial on how I made the infinity scarf:

1) Cut a yard of fabric in half and sew the narrow ends together.  You should end up with one piece of fabric two yards in length, if you like a longer infinity scarf like I do.

2) Fold the material in half length-wise with right sides facing each other (wrong sides facing outward), and pin the edges together.  Sew the edges together the entire length of the scarf, giving yourself a 1/2″ seam allowance and removing the pins as you sew.  You’ll basically be making one long tube.

Making a Giant Fabric Tube

3) Pin your short seam (the open ends of the scarf) closed.  Sew this seam making sure to leave a 3″ opening to pull the  scarf through.  Clip your corners so that you can have nice clean points for your scarf.

4) Gently pull the scarf through. Once right side out, simply hand stitch your opening closed using an invisible stitch. Viola!

Infinity Scarf (and beyond!)