Utility Apron

Some photos from a utility apron I made for Jamie to give as a Christmas gift to a fellow elementary school teacher… I like to call it my first “paid gig”.  After countless arguments about how much to charge for my labor (I insisted on $1 an hour and Jamie insisted that I don’t work in a sweatshop), I humbly accepted payment in the form of a box of fancy caramels and a nifty purse hook.  Thanks, Jamie!!

I think this was my favorite part of the apron – the holster for the scissors!  Stick ’em up!

Scissors Holster
Scissors Holster

And here is the completed project!  There are lots of pockets for all the things teachers carry around in the classroom… like pens and rulers and markers and… candy…?

Teacher's Apron
Teacher’s Apron

More updates to come soon!