Hot Air Balloon Baby Shower

I am prefacing this post with an admittance that this is over 3.5 years late.  As Kev and I are on the brink of welcoming our own little one into the world, it seems that we’ve got all things baby on the brain these days.  I realized I never shared this project when the baby being welcomed at this shower started preschool a couple of weeks ago!

The Guest of Honor!

As I perused Bernie‘s baby registry (yes, in 2014), I noticed a really cute hot air balloon crib sheet set and immediately scoured the internet for some ideas to theme a work shower around. Bernie and Ben wanted the gender of the baby to be a surprise, so I wanted to keep the the decor gender neutral.  I found an AMAZING set of printables and a Hot Air Balloon Diaper Cake tutorial (to the right in the photo below) on Hostess with the Mostess, with blue, yellow, and pink.  Perfect!

The Cookie Casa Spread

I used the patterned paper downloads that Hostess with the Mostess provided to create a bunting and some additional signage for the room.


I also sketched out a cloud shape, cut it out, and used it as a stencil.  I cut that same shape into a few sheets of letter-sized paper, cut them all out, and sewed them down the middle. Boom – a quick cloud centerpiece!  I used some streamers in coordinating colors with the theme to make a starburst, tying the colors back into the clouds.

Makeshift “Centerpieces”

To provide the treats, I enlisted the well-loved (and now sorely missed!) Cookie Casa to create mini cupcakes and cake with sprinkles that matched our color scheme, and used the small decorative flag downloads from Hostess with the Mostess as as miniature cake toppers.

Cookie Casa Minis!

For the cake, I cut a few circles out of the decorative paper and sewed them down the middle to create a dimensional paper hot air balloon, cut out a couple paper clouds, and used one of the larger decorative flags to create cake toppers.

Mini Cake with Toppers

I also found another centerpiece tutorial on Weddings Illustrated for a centerpiece using a styrofoam ball and paper, and picked up some coordinating scrapbook paper from the craft store to create it.

Styrofoam Hot Air Balloon

Here are some more snaps from the crafts and the party!