Green Tea Sugar Cookies

When Alex and I emailed Lingie to see what he wanted to do for his birthday back in April, I was half-expecting another repeat of his birthday last year at that goth bar with all the weird vampires followed by a trip to the ER.  The last thing I thought he’d say was, “Let’s all get together and bake something. Something Star Wars-themed.”  I suggested ice cream sandwiches, and threw out the recipe for Green Tea Oreos from Just Jenn.  Lingie was way into it and chose Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream to compliment the cookies.

I’d been wanting to break out the Star Wars cookie cutters Sam got for me via our 2010 Sho-Yu Secret Santa gift exchange.  They’d been in their box serving as décor on my desk at work for over two years, and I was really excited for the perfect opportunity to christen them.

Lingiegram Obligatory Hipster-esque Photo

When Ling and I arrived at Alex’s place, we had a pizza and beer waiting for us… as first-dinner. Yes, first-dinner.  Lingie took charge of the lemon zest, and Alex helped with the dry ingredients.

Flour, Baking Soda, Salt, and Culinary-Grade Matcha Powder

Once we finished prepping the dough for the cookies (to the tune of a Brad Pitt marathon, mind you), we wrapped it up and chilled it before heading out to second dinner at Peru’s Taste.  Lingie and I had never been there before, and it was DEEEELISH.

Cookie Dough – Ready for the Fridge

Daniel showed up later as a “surprise” to help us with the cookie-cutting (and taste-testing).  Kiddingggg.

Lingie and Daniel

Alex did the plating for the cookies and ice cream.

Alex’s Mise En Place

Between the coffee ice cream and the green tea cookie (okay, maybe it was more like three cookies) I had, I couldn’t sleep til 4am that night. Major caffeine kick!!

I also got an uber amazing sneak peek of the music video for “Fight to Keep” by Monsters Calling Home after we were all done. Daniel had just finished editing it and brought it over.

I also made the cookies again for a fellow IMAX Star Wars savant for his birthday back in May – this time with a side of blue milk!

Blue Milk and Cookies