Martha Stewart Cookie Boxes

Sadly, I’m already caught-up on my backlog of holiday baked goods.  I thought I’d wrap-up with a short ditty on how I packaged the treats. I typically opt for a cellophane bag, some festive Glad Tupperware, or a little Christmas bag or box. However, I am quite the sucker for all things Martha Stewart, as well as cute paper goods.  Naturally when you combine the two, I’ll wreak all kinds of domesticated havoc.

Such a Sucker for Cute Paper Goods

But seriously, is this Martha Stewart Cookie Box not the cutest?  It seemed like a great way to showcase my Grinchmas Cookies, S’mores Cookies, Walnut Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies, and Martha Stewart’s Snickerdoodles.  And it even has a freaking window on it for Pete’s sake.

Close-Up of the Nomness

I didn’t create a separate post for the Snickerdoodles because I made them at night-time and the photos were just awful. Plus, no one would be impressed by the process of making a Snickerdoodle… not that anyone is impressed by anything on this blog anyway.

Getting excited to bake this weekend!  My hiatus is drawing to a close!