Baby Gift Set

It never fails to surprise me when my peers get hitched and then have kids – I guess I’m just getting to that age where everyone is really settling down.  I think I’ve gotten over the once-frightening idea of marriage, but children are a whole new ball park.  I’m sure the fear of bearing a child stems in part from seeing fellow females go through the various stages of pregnancy – the complaints about morning sickness, the high-running emotions, the uteral kicks, and (dare I say, in some cases) the cankles.  Then, there’s the whole birthing process which I won’t delve into.  We haven’t even gotten to “poo’splosions” (as one coworker so fondly calls it) and the overarching daunting task of raising a child.  And once you’ve made it that far, you are still doomed to be that person at Target whose child is screaming at the top of their lungs over not getting that one toy that they won’t even remember the next day at LEAST once in your parenting career.  However, in the end, I’m sure it’s worth it when your  kid is starring in videos like this.

Back to the subject of this post.  Playing on the theme of “B” for “Baby”, I made a Bib, Blankie, and set of Booties and threw it all in a drawstring Bag.  I got the instructions and pattern for all parts of the project from One Yard Wonders, and I eve had enough fabric left over to make a drawstring bag to put everything in.  I’ll keep this post short, so here you go!

The booties, by far, were toughest item I’ve had to sew in my not-so-long sewing career.

Baby Gift Set
Bib, Blankie, Booties, and Bag